Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Contract with God compared to Sin City Booze and Broads & Bullets

The short story of Daddy's Little Girl seems like a homage or a retelling of Grossmans short story.
They both involve a woman who lures a man to falling in love with her, but tricking the man into doing something terrible. In Daddy's Little Girl the woman wants the man she convinced to love her kill her father. But In the Grossmans story she steals the heart of a 15 year old. But the ending is the same in both stories, the woman does all this just for her real husband or lover to get a boner. In Franks tho the violence is more gruesome and its the young man that gets beat up not the girl.

I like Frank Miller but after this semester of understanding comics I feel that he has, used Will Eisner as more than a reference. I'm not saying any thing bad about it, because I love his work. But its just something I noticed.

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Vol. II

I really enjoyed this book it was a nice adventure ride. The part that made this book stand out for me was the character Mr. Hyde. Mr.Hyde comes off as a beast and monster, but he is not dumb. He just hates the world and the people in it. Except for Miss Murray see fears him for being a monster but she does not hate him because she her self has seen a greater monster than Mr.Hyde. I think this Dynamic of Mr.Hyde have feelings for this woman other than hate and disgust. Is neat to see him question his look on the world. Ya its like Beauty and the Beast in a way, but the kicker is she picked Alan over Hyde.  Which I think in turn makes him hate the world more than what he normally did before. But its nice to see him go through almost  a break up and makes the character more relatable.

But in the end he gives his life not for humanity or the rest of the League, but all ultimately for her. But before he goes to fight his one last fight he asks her for a kiss and to feel her breast. In doing this he said he would never ever hurt her. but when he touches her he feels her heart be fast and scared knowing that she would never truly love him,  but thats what I think.

Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde from on Vimeo.

Kevin Smiths take on the Green Arrow

Green Arrow Quiver. I picked up the comic because I say Kevin Smith had written thinking the movies he writes have a lot of character development and because I'm a huge Jay and Silent Bob fan. I'd never really read or knew much about the Green Arrow other than he was like Robin Hood and was a socialist.

The thing i really enjoyed and was the character development of the Green Arrow. It was a cool twist Kevin Smith had in making Green Arrow come back to life before he was "damaged". So you got to discover who the Green Arrow was along with him.   It was cool to see so many layers in a character other than what you on top of them. I really liked the ending of the book where you find out he has been resurrected as a body without his soul, and the soul its self is in heaven. When the two meet you see that "real" or the soul Green Arrow is acting like he figured every thing out but he still remains selfish in staying in heaven and not joining his "body". But when the "body" Green Arrow convinces the Soul to join him to save their son. It was cool to see that enlightening  moment of self awareness in a comic.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Batman Harvest Breed

It wasn't the typical Batman comic, the style veers from serene photo-realism to a violent expressionist fantasy. Which was neat to see that style applied to a superhero comic. The look of Batman was even different he looked like a tall feather weight boxer rather than a muscle bound running back. It was weird though gave him more of a venerability look to him, like he can be beat. The nightmares he had I thought was in the style of light shinning thru sand. And the fact his nightmare was being to violent and actually ending a life was clever. It was jus confusing at times when the panels had action it took me a minute to see what was happening. Overall I enjoyed reading it. 


This week I made a trip to libraries selection of comics and looked for a comic that I'd never heard of nor had any superheros. The comic i found was Iron West by Doug TenNapel, the story is of a anti hero cowboy who must rise up against Robots that want to concur the west. Its started of like a Butch Cassidy tale robbing trains. But than came the robots, they looked like a 1900's terminator, and if that was enough there was a indian big foot. I personally like the story and the illustration style. I think this story should of gotten a movie unlike cowboys and aliens. 


Batman Arkham Asylum

The story of the novel can be seen as Batman locked inside Arkham to face his deadliest foes. Or the story can be seen a disturbing telling of Batman facing his own personal horrors and demons. I personally think think you need both haves to tell this story, like two face one will feel incomplete with out the other side.
I liked how the Joker took a different side to his role with Batman, he became his guide through this experience of self healing. There where times reading this where I was just in shock of how deep this story goes on an psychological level. One of the great scenes in the book was at the end where Batman is being attack by the Doctor. But Batman being a master martial arts expert he can't get this skinny lunatic off him. Like he was battling his inner psyche and calling out for another part of him to save himself.  Its a brillant concept is Arkham really a persons mind that dreams them to life, and that it could be Batman's head. Over all I enjoyed the ride of the story.


For me reading Maus was like listening to my grandfather tell me stories of world war II, and the pain his family went through in the Holocaust. I found Maus hitting me more on an emotional level than any comic I have read previously before that. I enjoyed it, it was almost like I was viewing an experience my family went through.   I liked the way he used animals to represet the people, I got a laugh seeing the cats cause I hate cats. I liked how the representation of the dark times where illustrated in a more contrast and almost dirtier environment than the present.

MAUS from Daniel J. Winter on Vimeo.